“S(he) COPES” is a College Online Program for Emotional Support catering to college students facing mental and emotional challenges at school, home and in the community in India. The program is an initiative of HealthSecure Foundation and is a culmination of several months of extensive research including interviews with students, parents, teachers, college administrators, counselors and psychologists. It was developed specifically to cater to the cultural and social needs of students in India. It provides college students with coping skills that will help them deal with stressful and difficult circumstances throughout their lives. The program is customizable to the needs of the students and is designed to work with the long-term collaboration and commitment of the college to improve students’ overall physical, mental and emotional health.
Early and affordable mental health intervention for young people, especially in countries with scarce professional mental health resources, is essential. “S(he) COPES” is a low-cost, scalable program that provides lectures, workshops and forums for students and parents on mental health issues, along with online peer support groups led by trained lay moderators. It is currently provided at no cost to the students. The education and awareness components will address common college issues such as succeeding academically in an online environment, making the right career choice and improving communication with parents. The support groups will allow students to share their fears, worries and challenges that they face on a daily basis. Trained faculty mentors will triage students requiring more aggressive intervention to a school counselor, psychologist or psychiatrist, when appropriate. They would also liaise between students, faculty and parents in case of academic difficulties resulting from emotional and mental health problems. Parents of students will be invited to join a monthly forum where they can learn how to support their children’s mental health during difficult times.
Provide college students with the following:
- A safe and comfortable online space to discuss life problems.
- Educational resources and skills that can help students cope with stressors.
- Increased communication between students, parents and college faculty and administrators.
- Access to information on resources such as counselors, therapists and psychiatrists when needed.