

SHINE resize

SHINE is an 8 session online module (video recordings by Dr. Sue along with live discussions led by college faculty liaison) to teach health information to college students in an innovative way so they learn skills for lifelong good physical, mental and emotional health.

Most college students in India have little health knowledge by the time they graduate from college.They’re not sure how to get the most nutrition from their diet, what kind of exercise plan to follow, how to reduce stress, get better sleep and lead a happy and healthy life. They often rely on friends and family, or celebrities online,…learn more


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“S(he) COPES” is a College Online Program for Emotional Support catering to college students facing mental and emotional challenges at school, home and in the community in India. The program is an initiative of HealthSecure Foundation and is a culmination of several months of extensive research including interviews with students, parents, teachers, college administrators, counselors and psychologists. It was developed specifically to cater to the cultural and social needs of students in India. It provides college students with coping skills that will help them deal with stressful and difficult circumstances throughout their lives. The program is customizable to the needs of the students and is designed to work with the long-term collaboration and commitment of the college to improve students’ overall ,…learn more


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The Corporate Health Intervention Program (CHIP) is HealthSecure Foundation’s effort to improve the health of young Indian corporate workers.

Young Indians working in corporate environments often have poor eating habits, are sedentary, get no regular exercise, experience increased stress and have irregular sleep patterns. They are thus at increased risk of developing weight problems, high blood pressure, poor lipids and high sugars, which in turn greatly increase their risk for heart disease. CHIP introduces lifestyle interventions which address the unique needs of corporate workers, and high sugars, which in turn greatly increase their risk for heart disease. CHIP introduces lifestyle interventions which address the unique needs of corporate workers, …learn more


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Fight Against Colorism Today is a new program that is being developed by the Foundation to address the intense discrimination faced by people in India  based on their skin color. It is a fact that people with darker skin are given fewer opportunities for leadership and extracurricular activities in schools, colleges and workplaces. They are also subject to negative comments, teasing and bullying from a very young age, causing them to have low self esteem, self doubt and lack of confidence. They are endlessly exposed to advertisements promising them fairer skin for better success in life, making them feel that they are not good enough and that the only way to improve prospects is by lightening their skin by whatever means available, some which are unhealthy and downright …learn more


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HeaL is a social media based program “Healthy for Life”. Groups of people follow the Healthy Eating Plate lifestyle as recommended by the Harvard School of Public Health. Participants post pictures of their transformed plates. They analyze each other’s plates and see which areas need help – usually it is needing more vegetables or proteins! They also share their own recipes and recipes from the internet inspired by the Healthy Eating Plate.

Most of our chronic diseases are due to poor lifestyle choices, the main one being poor dietary choices. This program provides awareness, knowledge, skills and inspiration to eat healthily in a non-judgmental, supportive and encouraging environment. Often people are dazzled by quick fixes such as fad diets, shakes, teas and pills to lose weight or increase muscle and tone. Our program guides people away from such restrictive …learn more

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